Hi, so you're my new assistant? That's great! Follow along.

Sooo.... always hard to start this..... but you know what you signed up for, right?

You're going to be my ''assistant'', as in you do everything thing.... to... Ehm... assist me....

OH FUCK IT..... I got no time for the slow approach! Your only job will be to please my kinks. You know that, I know that. So just STFU and do whatever I say.

Get that cock hard in your pants while we enter my house.

Aaaah my sweet little doggies, always happy to see me when I get home.

So as you have read in the contract, my kink is doggyfication......

We start now... so get naked (you will be naked for the rest of the sessions, and if you can stay naked for the rest of the 24 hours) and use a belt as a leash, and stand on all fours. I know you still need training... but you know how a dog acts, so from now on just stay on all four and behave like a dog. I understand you need one hand to stroke, so you can be on al threes while you stroke.

Give me 50 medium strokes, just to start!

God... my last few minutes with my dogs... I will miss them so much. Luckily I have you!

I'm so happy I can at least take you as my doggy on tour...and this is really my kink so you please my sexual desires as well.

In this way, I won't miss my dogs too much and I have someone to please my sexual desires! A win win, and you earn a shit ton as my ''assistant'', so don't you ever complain!

Give me 100 fast strokes! And keep behaving like a doggy

Okay time to bring the dogs to my friend. You stay in the car while I drop them off!

Stroke 50 times for me at a medium pace, afterwards 10 super slow strokes.

God, I won't see my babies for a while.... but let's go we're late for my first concert of many...

We are really late actually... so when we're at the concert hall, go directly to Camila. She is doing my pre-show, she should be almost done when we get there, after she is done follow her, she will teach you some stuff. So thankful for that, not really in the mood to teach you everything.

Anyway, do 50 medium strokes for me, and afterwards 20 slow strokes for just the head.


Do you want to lose your job! OMG YOU NEED TRAINING!


Okay, doggy... on your knees and rest your ass on your heels. Goood now paws up and wag for me!

Good good, stick that tongue out! Be really happy! Good doggy!

50 Fast strokes!!

Hmmm..... not feeling it! 50 even faster strokes!!

Okay we don't have a bowl of water here.... so I will just tell you... Ariana expect you to drink out of a bowl when you are with her. So just be a good boy and drink from a bowl of water when you're with her. God why do I need to train her dogs... this is easy stuff, people know what a dog does...

So bark 5 times if you understood it!

Great! Good boy!

I hope your still on your knees wagging! Do 20 super slow strokes on just the head and afterwards 10 fast strokes, just the head!

Hmmm.... what did I forget.... oh yeah.... Ariana loves dirty dogs... so just a warning for you! But yeah.. you get paid for it so you can't really complain.

Hmmm... what else...

Do an edge for my while I think! Keep on the edge for 5 seconds!

Oh she is almost ready to go on stage! The second act of the pre-show is almost over!

Oh yeah that's the last thing! She wants her dog to be with her on stage! Don't worry the audience won't see you. You go into a fake speaker! You can see through it, and she will just walk past it and tell you how to stroke and that type of stuff. Her kink is weird but whatever!

So get into this fake speaker.... so you can be brought on stage!

Good boy! Now give me 20 slow strokes to say good bye!

[When the fake speaker closes, you sit down, no-one will notice anyway.]

[You're back on stage again, and Ariana looks really hot]

[Even tough she didn't ask, you do 50 medium strokes]

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